Acne: understand what it is!
There is much talk about the famous “pimples”, characteristic of oily faces and skin that can appear especially in teenagers, but also during adult phase. But did you know that dry skin also suffer with this issue?
In this article you will find many questions and answers that will help you understand better about this theme.
1. What is acne?
Acne is an injury caused by the increase of sebum production coming from sebaceous glands in our body. This sebum (oil) overflow causes the obstruction of skin pores and increases the bacteria proliferation, resulting in comedones that are popularly known as blackheads. When these blackheads inflame, they become pimples that can be classified in different degrees.
2. Acne: understand what it is: What are the acne degress?
Degree 1 – Is the comedone acne, the “blackheads” open or closed;
From degree 2 they are inflame acne, being:
Degree 2 – Papular-pustular acne: painful injuries, red and elevated that can have yellow secretion in its interior.
Degree 3 – Cystic nodule acne are nodules with pus in its interior.
Degree 4 – Conglobata acne with bigger injuries and inflammations and a tendency to develop scars.
Degree 5 – Fulminans acne – big inflammatory process in the skin that can cause fever and discomfort. Also can cause scars and are usually treated with antibiotics.
3. What are the most susceptible ages to acne?
Besides having a bigger incidence in teenagers and puberty, a period that the hormones are in transition, it can also occur in women during Pre-Menstrual Tension period, pregnancy, changes from polycystic ovary, for instance, always in matters related to hormones. In addition, some people have predisposition of having this dermatologic issue during the entire life, and need regular medical monitoring.
The truth is that nobody is free to have acne because even stress, a bad nutrition, medications and bad quality of sleeping are some of the factors that can cause the undesirable spots in both men and women.
4. What is the difference betweeb inside and outside pimples?
The outside pimples are those that erupt in the skin, evolving to an inflammations and visible pus. On the other hand, internal pimples totally obstruct the inflammations and sebaceous gland blocking the pus way out and causing redness and pain.
5. How do I prevent pimples and blackheads?
– Avoid putting the hands in the face and never squeeze pimples or blackheads.
– Keep up your lab tests and health conditions.
– Never sleep wearing make up and reinforce the skin cleanse before sleeping.
– Always change the pillowcases: they accumulate hair, dust, bacteria and burden the skin oxygenation.
– At least once a month make professional skin treatments to have professional help and specialized products.
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